Jimmie B. Weeks

30 Articles

Cat Food: Discover the Best Options for Your Feline Friend

Cat food is available for purchase at H-E-B and purina.com, where you

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

The Best Healthy Options for Your Feline Friend

Cat treats are available in various flavours and forms, including fish chunks,

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

Why Do Cats Like Shoes? Unraveling the Feline Fascination

Cats like shoes because they find comfort in objects that smell like

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

How to Brush Your Cat’s Teeth A Step-by-Step Guide

To brush your cat's teeth, start by placing some toothpaste on your

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

7 Amazing Facts About Polydactyl Cats

Polydactyl cats have wider, larger paws, which gives them better balance and

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

8 Things Your Cat Loves Uncovering Their Favorite Pastimes

Cats love sleeping, grooming, a clean bathroom space, scratching, high places, a

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

Top Human Foods That Are Dangerous for Cats

Some human foods that are dangerous for cats include chocolate, salt, citrus

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

Homemade Cat Food Recipes Nutritious And Delicious Options

Homemade cat food recipes offer nutritious and delicious options for your feline

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

Big Cat Breeds Discover Rare and Exotic Felines

Big Cat Breeds include Maine Coon, Savannah Cat, Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest Cat,

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks

Short Hair Cat Breeds Discover the Top 10 Cuddly and Playful Feline Friends!

Looking for short-haired cat breeds? Look no further! Some popular short hair

Jimmie B. Weeks By Jimmie B. Weeks